Friday, August 21, 2009

If only it was that easy...

[For a moment, I longed for the years gone by, thinking up things that could have happened if I had lived in those times when this cooked-up tale could have occurred. But the reality is that I am living in the present. Despite that I will share with you this write up from my journal (not on a paper-journal but in Microsoft word originally saved as ‘Untitled)… Just trying to distract myself from the thoughts that overwhelm me right on]

Here’s a preview into the world I have created…
I awoke up this morning almost blinded by the light that permeated through the cracks in the wall of the mud house, where I lived with my aunt. Sitting up on the mat, I could not help but laugh silently as I heard my aunt snoring away the rest of the morning. I wished uncle was around to catch the guilty party in the act. And if only there was a National contest for ‘Who-could-snore-the-most?’ then my aunt would have won with no rival to contest with her.

So it was a Saturday and my uncle (as usual) had set out early to hunt for some antelope. I smiled then stood up, walking towards the little green shuttle window that separated our tiny bed room from the reality
“LOVE works in ways that are wondrous and strange, There is nothing in life that
LOVE cannot Change
- Helen Steiner Rice
of what the morning had to offer an ordinary woman like me. Thinking to myself; I could not believe I had slept through the crowing of my uncle’s disrespectful cock (it just never had the decency to ask for permission before it boasts into usual ‘cockoo-roo-koo’) but I was ready for the new day.

The window squeaked as I tried to push it to open. I glanced over my shoulder at my aunt to see if I had disturbed her beauty sleep. ‘Thank God’, I said silently…not that she would have woken up; I just did not want to get her chatting this early morning.

I gently reach out and retrieved the half-cut mirror I had placed on the cupboard top beside her bed last night, almost knocking over the pile of clothes on it. Rearranging them, I faced the back and sat down on the mat (I slept on) beside the window as I admired my new hair-do (‘Suku’ hairstyle which is usually worn by some orisa priest) in the half cut mirror. Mama Jumoke had a talent of changing even the ugliest woman in the village to a queen. I was barely able to get a broad view of my face but I felt beautiful.

I made my face up by applying some native powder and some of my aunt’s dark pencil. The excitement of what I was going to do this morning almost ruptured from within.

I was going to be meeting, Tunji, on my way to the stream to fetch water. Tunji was the sanitation officer’s son who rode around town in his bicycle. Every lady had been admiring him and would give anything to have a moment with him but he had turned down their invitations. For a while, my friend, Ronke had been teasing me about him stealing a look of me while he rode pass us on the way to the stream each morning. I had waved the whole thing until one morning when we were approaching the stream, I saw he standing under a tree. I had wondered to my friend, Ronke, what he could be doing there when he walked up to us introducing himself (like I didn’t know)…

Not to be rude, I gave him an audience and listened while he spoke…
© 2009 Miss Ónàihré All Rights Reserved

Credits:Digital source:

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


One Night With "Bankole"

***Thank you, Funmi, Just Doyin for the books you recommended I read [left via the comment section, for the Writing on the wall’ Post]…!!!
This time the prayer of each of them found favor before the glory of God...For it was to Tobias before all other suitors that she belonged by right.” - Tobit

Whilst watching the movie, ‘One Night with the King’ [“Based on the tale of Esther, the orphan girl living in Babylon, who became the queen of the Persian, read more about her in the book of Esther], I realized that like Esther, it takes one night (one date) with ‘Bankole’ to prove myself worthy enough to be his ‘Queen’, a ‘Woman of virtue’ or what we would call, a ‘Proverb 31’ woman.

And from a woman’s perspective, it does take one encounter with a man (that she has a bond with), to set off a series of day dreaming about running down the aisle with him. Similarly for the man, it takes just one night with a woman for him to realize that he’d like to spend the rest of his life with her.

After that, every other date he goes on, will simply be a formality to assure himself that he is not about to make a slip-up in his final selection. I am of the opinion that some guys take relationship with a woman like an investment (Guys, you are free to prove me wrong). As a women, we bring our proposals (call it, business proposals if you like)…the man on the other hand has to decide which will be profitable to his future plans (believe it or not).
The belief is that they have to deal with different women flaunting their character, intellect, appearance (or more) before them. And to make the selection effortless, he needs to be able to distinction those that stand-out, then separate the good ones from the bad. The last woman standing is often the one who has made a lasting impression on him. The one he fancies. The one women who is able to calm the storm in him with her still voice.

“...May the Lord make your Love increase & overflow for each other...” -

I Thessalonians 3:12

But know this, it is only those who are wise recognize a woman that is ‘golden’ in behavior.

So my night with ‘Bankole’…I need to ask God like Esther did…that He (God) teach me to warm my heart towards ‘Bankole’ and that I am able to accept him for who is, if he is God’s will for me.

“God, give me the spouse I NEED and not what I WANT...”

So I have to Get Ready…you know, give him something beautiful to look at…

[Remember the show ‘The Bachelor’…the women have to do something different from the rest of the bunch to be able to get another chance with the Bachelor…Ok, I know the show may possibly be staged but what about when Esther had to compete with other ladies to win the King’s admiration?]

The way I carry myself should emulate one who is ready for the next level…

Lastly, there should be wisdom in what I say even if we may not have a lot of things in common with him…(He may love Politics but I should be able to find a common ground to have a breakthrough)

In the end, if I am the chosen one then I will be honored that out of a million, he chose me. If not, then I dust myself and move on…but I must remember it takes only ‘One night with the King’

Bankole, maa ma reti e o…’ [Translated: ‘Bankole, I will be waiting for you…’]
© 2009 Miss Ónàihré All Rights Reserved

Credits:Digital Source: iStockphoto

The Post title and Post was inspired by the 2006 movie titled , "One Night with the King"...[tale of Esther (from the Bible)]

Monday, June 1, 2009

My Prayer of Baal-Perazim...!!!

Oh My Lord, Here I go again!!!

“For this cause I have come into the World, that I bear witness to the truth.”

The Journey begins once again. A new adventure begins as I prepare to set sail into the ocean of my Baal-Perazim (Read 1 Chronicles 14:11)…

On bended knee, I pray to God to guide me onward as I press forward toward the mark…

Lord, I birth my desires into prayer; take me a sinner and use me to bring Glory to Your Holy name. Bless these hands of mine as I write the ‘Stories of Your Love & Favor’.

I follow not my gift, the gift you’ve placed in me, knowing that you, God, will handle my affairs. I do not care what is ahead, or what darkness will befall me, what I do care is that You, God, use me as an instrument to do your will.

Your words say, “...Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart...” Psalm 37:4 (NIV)

Lord, Give me the desires of my heart…

I have been on the mountain top and I have equally lost everything but now, the scales have fallen from my eyes and I see clearly that you, My Lord, are in control.
© 2009 Miss Ónàihré All Rights Reserved

Credits:Digital Source: iStockphoto

“...Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart...” Psalm 37:4 (NIV)
So trusting in you, I begin my journey today as I pray for an anointing to make a change.

I storm the heavenly gates with my prayer that you, O God, will hear my cry for strength to go forth. Lord, as each day passes, show me your will in my life and this situation.

If THIS BE YOUR WILL for me let it be done unto me as you desire…I am your “HANDMAID OF THE LORD”. And when I get to a deadlock along the way, show me a new direction to take.

God, let me catch a glimpse of your cross when the journey gets difficult…and when it is the right time, bring ‘Bankole’ into my life to walk with me but don’t let him see me broken especially when you know he can’t handle it.

Break every bitterness in my heart and whatever negativity habits I have accumulate and have been embedded in my heart. Lord, it all begins now…help me to know when to go forth and when to stop. Help me God to know you better, Amen.